Hormone Test For Weight Loss

a person wearing face mask holding a jar with red liquid
Photo by olia danilevich on Pexels.com

Should I Consider Taking a Hormone Test For Weight Loss ?

If you are like many Americans whose hitting that certain age where you’ve considered getting tested for Hormone Imbalance, or Fertility. But you’re not sure if you should go see your doctor. Maybe consider an at-home test kit instead. Having our hormone balanced is crucial to our everyday functions. Having a hormone imbalance could lead to many issues that could lead to not only weight gain, low energy, poor sexual performance, lack of motivation, or difficulty gaining muscle. Just one hormone such as a thyroid, estrogen, insulin, testosterone could determine how you feel overall.

Should I consider an At-Home Test Kit ?

At-Home testing kits typically use saliva or blood from the fingertip to measure your levels of cortisol, key thyroid hormones, and sex hormones such as progesterone and testosterone. Some tests may require a urine sample. These kits require you to send the sample off to a lab, and the results can come as quickly as 2-3 business days. Most companies sells a variety of kits that will test for hormone imbalance, Fertility, COVID-19, common illnesses, and including STDs. Consider an At-Home Test Kit, since often times going to the doctor’s office, scheduling an appointment could be a real hassle. It is often embarrassing, and a real intimidating experience for many people.

How Much Do They Cost ?

Cost of conventional clinic or hospital testing varies from each practitioner’s office. The price can range from $300-$1200 dollars, as the home test kits traditionally are much less. Starting cost is from $79-$259 for a more complete hormone testing kits. When making a decision, take in consideration time, convenience, along with price. Typically most insurance covers for testing. Most can be purchased using your Health Savings Account since they are considered as a medical expense since Hormone imbalances, and infertility are some common issues that most Americans suffer from.

Are They Accurate ?

Home testing Kits are just as accurate as hormone testing performed in a traditional laboratory, provided you follow the sample collection instructions and your sample is processed before it degrades. So if you are like millions of people who needs to get tested, but does not want to go through the embarrassing hassle. or even taking time off your busy schedule, consider taking an at-home test kit. For the different types of home test kits available, Click on Order Now or banner below to order your At-Home Test Kits. Check out the selection for At-Home Wellness Testing for Weight Loss.

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