Detox 101

Easy Guide to a healthy Natural Way to Detox or Cleanse
Why You Should Consider Doing a Cleanse. Importance of Doing a Detox for optimum health

Your Easy and Simple Guide To Detox!

Detox programs are specifically designed to use specific whole foods and supplements to cleanse, and heal our bodies to address all the missing nutrients that help supports our internal organs. Detox and Cleanses addresses the main organs such as the liver, and glands that are designed to absorb and expel toxins. 

There are many Diet programs out there that only addresses caloric intake, caloric reduction, carb reduction or elimination, high protein, fat reduction, food restrictions. These types of diets are usually short term and does not address the key to weight management(hormones). Hormones plays a critical role when it comes to weight management. Restrictive eating, and over training can cause further damage to your body and can cause uncontrolled cravings and poor mindset.

How Long Should I Do a Detox?

There are several ways to properly cleanse. Some people choose short one week cleanses, or up to 30 days. The key to a good cleanse is not the duration but what you consume during those days. We advise avoiding an all liquid cleanse, or simply lemon water and starving yourself. The most important part is to learn to eliminate and replace the current foods you are eating with the right combinations nutritious meals, good supplements, and whole organic foods.

One program that we have tested and shown to be easy and effective is a program created by a renown wholistic Naturopath, Ayurvedic, & Functional Medicine Practitioner, and Author of the Book the Rain Barrel Affect Dr. Stephen Cabral

The 7 Day Detox Plan

Dr. Cabral created a comprehensive and complete 7 Day Detox plan and partnered with Equilibrium company to produce a full kit complete with food guide, meal replacement, detox supplements, and an easy meal guide plan to follow. We highly recommend his program as The Complete Easy Guide to any Detox program. You can start with a 7 day or up to 21 days. I highly recommend to start with the 7 Day plan


(Check Out this Video by Dr. Cabral Explaining Why a Detox Helps you Lose Weight)




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